Transport East promotes a collective vision for the future of transport in Essex, Norfolk, Suffolk, Southend-on-Sea and Thurrock.

Transport East's size is its strength; giving the partnership greater coherency and building on a strong history of collaborative working in the region.

The Transport East Board is led by political representatives from Highways and Transport Authorities and Local Planning Authorities, and representatives from business, and National Highways and Network Rail.

  • Find out more about our Board meetings here.
  • The Transport East Team is responsible for supporting Forum.
  • The Transport East Board Terms of Reference can be viewed here.

Forum Members

Will Quince 2

Will Quince MP

Chair of Transport East
Headshot of Councillor Graham Plant

Cllr Graham Plant

Vice Chair of Transport East

Cabinet Member for Transport at Norfolk County Council

Cllr Chris Chambers

Cabinet Member for Transport Strategy, Planning and Waste
Suffolk County Council

Cllr Lesley Wagland OBE

Cabinet Member for Economic Renewal, Infrastructure and Planning
Essex County Council

Cllr Daniel Cowan

Leader of the Council
Southend-on-Sea City Council

Victoria Holloway

Cabinet Member for Place and the Environment
Thurrock Council

Cllr Graham Butland

Leader of Braintree District Council
Representative of Essex District Councils

Cllr Tim Adams

Leader North Norfolk Council
Representative of Norfolk District Councils

Cllr Phil Wittam

Councillor at West Suffolk Council
Representative of Suffolk District Councils

The following bodies sit on our Board, but are not formal members of Transport East.

Delivery Partners

Matthew Taylor
Programme Manager
National Highways

James Bradley
Head of Strategic Planning
Network Rail

Chambers of Commerce

Nova Fairbank
Chief Executive
Norfolk Chamber of Commerce

Paul Simon
Head of Public Affairs
Suffolk Chamber of Commerce

Christine Bhatt
Director of Policy
Essex Chamber of Commerce

Observing Bodies

Bedford Borough Council

Cambridgeshire County Council and District Councils

Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority

Central Bedfordshire Council

England's Economic Heartland

East of England Local Government Association

Hertfordshire County Council and District Councils

UK Innovation Corridor

Peterborough City Council

Department for Transport