
Will Quince welcomes the new ministerial team at the Department for Transport

He said: “On behalf of Transport East, I would like to congratulate the new Secretary of State for Transport and her ministerial team on their appointments.

The East has a vital role to support the nation’s growth and prosperity. With our thriving and growing energy sector, our international gateways, and one of the nation’s fastest growing regions, the East is well positioned to support the Government’s ambitions for the nation. And we are ready to advise the DfT on how transport can support and deliver these in the East.

As the Sub-national Transport Body for the East – led by a partnership of local councils for Norfolk, Suffolk, Essex, Thurrock and Southend-on-Sea – we are committed to working with the government to support their transport priorities. From enhancing rail and bus services, to tackling inequalities and ensuring transport is greener and better integrated, our regional strategy underpins our work to achieve these.

I look forward to working with the new ministerial team as Transport East works towards decarbonising transport, connecting our communities, energising rural and coastal areas and unlocking our international gateways.”